Most Sinful Cities in America

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Las Vegas isn’t the only “Sin City” in America. In other cities, bad things happen and stay there, too. From beer-loving Milwaukee to hedonistic New Orleans, the U.S. is filled with people behaving illicitly. No place is innocent. We all have demons.

But at some point, we all have to pay for our vices. Gambling addiction, for instance, leads to over $100 billion in losses for U.S. consumers every year. In 2020, identity fraud and identity fraud scams took a toll of $56 billion. And every year, smoking burns an over $300 billion hole in Uncle Sam’s wallet.

Luckily for the saints among us, all American sins are not created, or distributed, equally. In order to identify the darkest corners of America, WalletHub compared more than 180 U.S. cities across 37 key indicators of evil deeds. Our data set ranges from violent crimes per capita to excessive drinking to adult entertainment establishments per capita.

Main Findings

Most Sinful Cities in America

Overall Rank*  City WalletHub Vice Index  Anger & Hatred  Jealousy  Excesses & Vices  Greed  Lust  Vanity  Laziness 
1 Las Vegas, NV 60.98 28 24 66 2 3 4 6
2 St. Louis, MO 53.40 1 8 1 101 38 48 11
3 Houston, TX 53.26 30 10 143 70 1 5 101
4 Los Angeles, CA 51.13 24 86 170 99 2 1 74
5 Denver, CO 51.01 18 28 33 66 9 14 72
6 Philadelphia, PA 49.60 13 39 47 67 7 18 81
7 Atlanta, GA 49.22 35 4 85 179 5 9 63
8 Miami, FL 48.98 96 9 131 87 11 8 17
9 Chicago, IL 48.79 48 12 124 114 13 6 91
10 Memphis, TN 48.36 10 2 39 135 31 122 24
11 Cleveland, OH 48.09