Domestic Violence Safe Housing Grants

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Grants to USA Nonprofit Shelters to Arrange Accommodations for the Pets of Domestic Violence Survivors

Domestic Violence Safe Housing Grants

GrantWatch ID# 183121
Agency: Foundation

Funding Source

Geographic Focus

Important Dates
Deadline: 06/01/23  Save

Grant Description
Grants of up to $60,000 to USA nonprofit domestic violence and animal organizations to ensure accommodations for pets of domestic violence survivors. Funding is intended for a variety of options for pets, including building or renovating areas at the domestic violence shelter, beginning a foster program to care for survivor’s pets, paying for temporary boarding for survivor’s pets, or a combination of services that will best serve the community. Grant funds may also be used for routine veterinary care, emergency veterinary care, and pet deposits.

Funds requested to pay for boarding, medical care, and pet deposits are intended to help with program costs for a maximum of two years. It is expected that the pet program will cover those costs after that time. The funds requested must also be based on a researched or demonstrated need for the number of animals expected to use the pet program.

In addition to helping people and pets find safety together, these grants are meant to help build collaborative relationships within the community. Domestic violence and animal organizations will be expected to work together to identify the needs for these services in their communities and find the best ways to fill them. If veterinary services cannot be provided by the animal organization, a partnership with one or more veterinary clinics is recommended. RedRover also suggests reaching out to community organizations, such as the Girl Scouts, local pet supply stores, places of worship, etc., to see if they are able to fulfill any program needs through community service or donations. Ongoing needs, such as pet food and supplies, leashes and collars, or short-term needs like help with landscaping or organizing, can often be filled by volunteers and fundraisers.

Applications are especially encouraged from organizations in Hawaii and Rhode Island as there are currently no pet-friendly domestic violence shelters in these states.

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