Anonymous Was A Woman Environmental Art Grants (AWAW EAG)

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Grants to USA Female Artists for Environmentally-Themed Art Projects

Anonymous Was A Woman Environmental Art Grants (AWAW EAG)

GrantWatch ID# 202394
Agency: Foundation

Funding Source
New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA)

Geographic Focus
USA Territories: American Samoa (USA);   Guam (USA);   Puerto Rico (USA);   Virgin Islands (USA);   Northern Mariana Islands (USA);

Important Dates
Deadline: 04/18/23 5:00 PM ET  Save

Grant Description
Grants to USA and territories female artists for environmentally-focused art projects. Funding is intended for thought-provoking projects that benefit and engage the public. Applications are encouraged from artists of color, artists with disabilities, artists living outside of the East and West coasts, and LGBTQ+ artists.

The AWAW EAG will support environmental art projects that inspire thought, action, and ethical engagement. Projects should not only point at problems, but aim to engage an environmental issue at some scale. Proposals should illustrate thorough consideration of a project’s ecological and social ethics. Projects that explore interdependence, relationships, and systems through Indigenous and ancestral practices are encouraged to apply.

The intended impact of the project is an important factor in the selection process. Environmental art projects that qualify for this program may focus on the following themes, but are not limited to:

  • Regeneration
  • Eco-social engagement
  • Decarbonization as decolonization
  • Ecofeminism
  • Climate change/climate collapse
  • Systems-restoration
  • Interspecies relationships
  • Natural or built systems
  • Recycling and repurposing
  • Clean energy production
  • Bioplastics

Selected projects must benefit the public in some way, and are required to have a public engagement component by June 30, 2024. The public engagement component must be free to attend, open to the general public, and must add value to the public sphere rather than solely benefiting the artist’s private gain. Online events are acceptable as long as they are attended by a live audience.


Additional Eligibility Criteria
Eligible Applicants:
– Applicants must be women-identifying artists
– Applicants must be 18 years or older on or before April 12, 2022
– Applicants must be the project lead, but collaborative projects are eligible and encouraged to apply
– Applicants must have residence in one of the 50 states, a Tribal Nation, a U.S. Territory, or the District of Columbia on the grant deadline
– Applicants must be a US citizen, permanent legal resident, or O-1 visa holder
– Applicants cannot be enrolled in a degree-seeking program of any kind
– Applicants can be past recipients of any of NYFA’s and AWAW’s grant programs
– Recipients of the grant are open to accept additional funds from other donors
– NYFA and AWAW employees, members of the NYFA Board of Trustees or Artists’ Advisory Committee, and/or an immediate family member of any of the above cannot apply

NYFA is committed to supporting artists from every background, and at all stages in their creative careers. NYFA strongly encourages artists of color, LGBTQ+ artists, artists with disabilities, and artists living outside of the East and West coasts to apply.

Pre-Proposal Conference
The NYFA Grants team will be hosting a virtual information session over Zoom designed to help applicants build a strong application. The one-hour session will include an overview of the program, a summary of eligibility requirements, tips to filling out the application, and a live Q&A. Registration is required.

When: Friday, March 3, 2:00 PM ET
Where: Online via Zoom

The info session will be recorded and will be available for viewing within one week of the live session.

Pre-Application Information
– Applications Open: Tuesday, February 21, 2023, 10:00 AM ET
– Applications Close: Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 5:00 PM ET
– Applicants Notified: August 2023
ID: 0